Omni-channel marketing

Supply Chain

Time:2023-12-05 Source:Original Clicks:139
Hunan Lameizi Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. is a modern supply chain company aiming at directly operating medium and large retail chain organizations and developing modern channel operators. Mainly engaged in spicy sauce, dipping sauce and dish sauce products under the Lameizi brand, the Company is committed to the business empowerment of condiment C-end segment, aiming at realizing the Group's comprehensive marketing strategy, and conducts in-depth business development and cooperation for core business channels such as CVS, KA and specialty products.

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Contact us

Condiment Company-Consulting Hotline

0731-8412 9448

Guozimei Drink-Consulting Hotline

0731-8473 9448

Official media:

WeChat official account Tiktok Video ID The Little Red Book


TaoBao Pinduoduo Tiktok
Address:28th Floor, Block A, Huijing Global Development Center, Xiangjiang Middle Road, Tianxin District, Changsha City, Hunan Province
Business license    湘ICP备2024045904号-1    Sitemap    Technical support:Hnjing


0731-8412 9448


0731-8473 9448




Contact us:0731-8412 9448